Easily Blogger Sitemap Generate (blogspot) blogs for better SEO

Sitemap Generator


SITEMAP को SUMBIT करने के लिए आप को सब से पहले ब्लॉगर के अकाउंट में लॉगिन होना पड़ेगा फिर आप को SETTING BUTTON पर CLICK करना पड़े गा निचे हमने STEP TO STEP IMAGE के अंदर बताया हैं वो देख कर FOLLOW करना हैं 

blogger sitemap generator Full Step to Step
Blogger sitemap generator

Blogger Sitemap Generator

जब आप सेटिंग BUTTON पर CLICK करते हो तो आप को निचे स्क्रॉल करते जाना हैं फिर आप को CRAWLERS AND INDEXING का OPTION मिलेगा तब आप को उसके ऊपर CLICK करना हैं

Blogger sitemap generator

फिर आप को उस OPTION को ON करने के बाद BLOGGERSITEMAP.COM इस वेबसाइट पर आना हैं और यहाँ पर अपने वेबसाइट का URL डालना हैं और GENERATE BUTTON पर CLICK करना हैं तो आप के सामने एक CODE आ जायेगा 

Blogger sitemap generator

आप को उसे CODE को COPY कर लेना हैं और आप के ब्लॉगर अकाउंट मैं आ जाना हैं

Blogger sitemap generator

BLOGGER अकाउंट में आप को SETTING OPTION पर क्लिक करना हैं उसके बाद आप को CRAWLERS एंड INDEXING OPTION पर CLICK करना हैं और हमने जो CODE BLOGGERSITEMAP.COM वेबसाइट से COPY किया था उसको आप को यहाँ पेस्ट कर देना हैं और SAVE BUTTON पर CLICK कर देना हैं तो दोस्तो हमने BLOGGER केअंदर SITEMAP CODE SUMBIT कर लिया हैं 

Blogger sitemap generator

what is sitemaps full information

A sitemap is a file that provides information about the pages, videos, and other files on a website and the relationships between them. This file helps search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to crawl the site more

intelligently. Sitemaps can be particularly useful for websites with a large number of pages, websites with dynamic content, or websites with pages that are not easily discovered by search engine crawlers.

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  1. Types of Sitemaps:

    • XML Sitemap: This is the most common type of sitemap. It’s an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with metadata about each URL.
    • HTML Sitemap: This is a human-readable page on a website that lists all the pages on the site, typically organized in a hierarchical or categorized format.
    • Visual Sitemap: This is a graphical representation of a website’s structure, often used in the planning and design phases of website development.
  2. Benefits of Sitemaps:

    • Improved Crawling: Sitemaps help search engine crawlers discover pages on a website that might otherwise be difficult to find.
    • Faster Indexing: By providing a list of URLs and their priority, sitemaps can help search engines prioritize crawling and indexing important pages.
    • Better Visibility: Sitemaps can improve a website’s visibility in search engine results by ensuring that all relevant pages are indexed.
  3. Components of an XML Sitemap

    • URLs: Each URL of the website is listed in the sitemap.
    • Last Modified: The date when the URL was last modified.
    • Change Frequency: How often the page is likely to change (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly).
    • Priority: The relative priority of the URL compared to other URLs on the site.
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  1. How to Create a Sitemap:

    • Manual Creation: You can create a sitemap manually by listing all the URLs of your website and their corresponding metadata.
    • Using Tools: There are various tools and plugins available that can automatically generate sitemaps for websites, such as Yoast SEO for WordPress or online sitemap generators.
  2. Submitting Sitemaps to Search Engines:

    • Once you’ve created a sitemap, you can submit it to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo through their webmaster tools or search console interfaces.
    • This helps search engines understand the structure of your website and can lead to better indexing and visibility in search results.
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